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Perfect Swirls

I bought this stuff called matcha. Basically it's a whole green tea leaf that is crushed into a fine powder. You can use it in baking to make tea-flavored stuff, or you can make tea with it (kind of like an "instant tea" mix like you have with coffee and other drinks). So the green colored part is the matcha shortbread, and the white part is an unflavored shortbread.
Overall the cookies turned out fairly well.

I bought this stuff called matcha. Basically it's a whole green tea leaf that is crushed into a fine powder. You can use it in baking to make tea-flavored stuff, or you can make tea with it (kind of like an "instant tea" mix like you have with coffee and other drinks). So the green colored part is the matcha shortbread, and the white part is an unflavored shortbread.
Overall the cookies turned out fairly well.

Perfect Swirls

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