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Hairy Face

Katherine and I went up to Colorado Springs to go visit a wedding venue. Afterwards we went up to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Neither of us had been there before and it was a lot different than the Denver Zoo that we usually go to in Colorado. This zoo was more open and had sky walks that you were above the animals for part of it. This giraffe was in the giraffe feeding area, where you could buy some lettuce to feed the giraffes.

Katherine and I went up to Colorado Springs to go visit a wedding venue. Afterwards we went up to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Neither of us had been there before and it was a lot different than the Denver Zoo that we usually go to in Colorado. This zoo was more open and had sky walks that you were above the animals for part of it. This giraffe was in the giraffe feeding area, where you could buy some lettuce to feed the giraffes.

Hairy Face

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