Saturday, March 16, 2024
Hiking Around Chautauqua
Between Katie recovering from a broken ankle and moving into a new house, we haven't had time to hit the mountains until this weekend. There's still plenty of stuff we need to do around the house, but for the most part, everything is unpacked. Katie's recovery is going well, and although the doctor told her she wouldn't be hiking until Spring, we squeezed in something that resembles a hike this weekend in Boulder. We weren't quite sure how far we could go and how much Katie could push it without having significant soreness the next day, so we were conservative and just did a short loop. We probably could have done a little more, but it was good to go easy on Katie.
It was a beautiful sunny day in Boulder after a snowstorm that left Boulder with a foot of snow. Since we were hiking in Chautauqua, we knew the trail would be packed down, so we didn't bring our snowshoes, just microspikes. The trail was a little slushy but the microspikes were appropriate. We probably could have used full spikes but neither of us have those and microspikes did just fine for keeping us from slipping too much. As always in this area, there were many people but we were just excited to be out in nature again.