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Sunday, November 11, 2018

FIRST Lego League 2018

I volunteered again to be a photographer at the Poudre FIRST Lego League tournament in Fort Collins. I've volunteered at this even since I started college, minus the years I wasn't in Colorado.

That Dog is What?!The ChallengeTrophiesPractice TablesPaper CupsTrollSo thatLego SquirtlesThe Playing FieldVictoryThrough the LensLarge Crowd

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few photos I took throughout the day.

The MealTable MarkerEaten

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Christmas Decorations

Last year, Katherine and I made several wooden minions and put them up in our yard as Christmas decorations. We didn't know how many to make and it turned out not being enough. So this year, last minute, we made 3 more.

This time, we borrowed a projector from one of our friends to transfer an image of a minion onto a large piece of wood. Previously, I printed out and taped together a bunch of pieces paper to make a giant poster that I would lay on top of the piece of wood and then transfer punch divots into the wood. After doing that, I would play a game of connect-the-dots to get the minion on a piece of wood. Needless to say, using a projector was a hundred times easier and better for the environment.

Peaking OutProjectingTransferedMessyPainted

November 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday